NPL Curbside Pickup
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Curbside Pickup?
Curbside Pickup is a service NPL will provide to all current cardholders. Simply “order” materials and an NPL staff member will gather the materials and bring them out to your vehicle.
When will Curbside Pickup be available?
Pick up is available when the library is open.
Please allow staff 24 hours to complete your order.
How do you request materials for Curbside Pickup?
Customers can request materials 5 different ways:
- Sign in to our online catalog with your library card and pin, browse the catalog and put items on hold. An NPL staff member will collect your items and call you when they are ready to be picked up.
- Email curbside@nappaneelibrary.org. Please include your name, library card number, contact information and recommended pick up time. A staff member will collect your items and call or email you when they are ready to be picked up.
- Call 574-773-7919 and talk to a staff member. Please remember to tell the staff member your name, library card number, and contact information. A staff member will collect your items and contact you when they are ready to be picked up.
- Send us a message on Facebook. Staff will be available to check messages periodically. Please include your library card number and contact information.
- Stop by and grab a paper request. Please include your name, library card number, and contact information. Drop the form into the drop box or give it a staff member. Someone will review the form and collect your items then contact you when they are ready to be picked up.
What can you request?
Customers can borrow books, DVDs, CDs, Magazines, and Audiobooks, and Mobile Hotspots. Equipment other than hotspots is not available at this time.
How do you pick items up?
The first parking spot on the North side of the Library’s main parking lot, facing Walnut St. are designated for picking up materials. Simply pull up and park (or wait) in the parking spot. Call 574-773.7919 and tell a staff member when you have arrived.
When you arrive to pick materials please be ready with your name and library card. Only the cardholder, or someone linked to the cardholder, can pick up the requested materials. If you are experiencing a long wait, please call 574-773-7919.
Anyone who doesn’t have a phone or active email, please talk to a staff member prior to placing your order so we can arrange the best way for Curbside Pickup to work for you!